10:00 hasta las 17:00
Amor que sana. Taller de Kundalini Yoga

Amor que sana. Taller de Kundalini Yoga

19000₡ - 66000₡
"Above all there's a love which is real, the ultimate love. We merge not only physically, but mentally and spiritually, in arc-line, aura and subtle body. We amalgamate with each other. That is real love." ~ Yogi Bhajan

"The fact is, if a person has not experienced the love of his or her soul, within one’s self, there is no chance that that person can go out and love, even though it is a faculty of love that you most powerfully need."~ Yogi Bhajan

En este taller vamos a adentrarnos en un entendimiento profundo de lo que significa la experiencia del amor. 
Vamos a trabajar en sanar heridas de amores pasados, aprendiendo amar el "ser".
Aprenderás a recitar Mantras sagrados que facilitarán el amor desde un lugar de Gracia. 

1. SoPurkh – Para limpiar karmas pasados (y la psyque) y para crear un espacio sagrada para que tu alma brille. 

2. Adi Shakti – Para unirte con la Maha Shakti y desbloquear la desgracia. 

3. Mangala Saaj Bhaya – Para encontrar a tu alma gemela 

4. Bhand Jamme-ai – Para empoderarte con Gracia

Maestro: Prakash Chegu (Tej Dharam Singh) profesor de Kundalini Yoga certificado por KRI y sanador de Sat Nam Rasayan. 
Actualmente vive en San Diego (USA), y enseña internacionalmente compartiendo las enseñanzas de Kundalini Yoga alrededor del mundo. 
Tiene una habilidad única de combinar dos campos diferentes y de poder extraer los beneficios de ambos. 
Graduado en ingeniería de producción, manufactura y en la tecnología de prácticas de negocios y administración. 
Creció en la India en una familia tradicional, experimentando desde joven al canto de mantras y a la práctica del yoga. 
Su curiosidad no sólo lo llevó a estudiar mecánica cuántica sino que inadvertidamente lo llevó a la práctica de la meditación, canto de mantras y al Kundalini Yoga. 
De forma apasionada se permitió sumergirse en las profundidades del Raja Yoga. 
Estamos muy agradecidos de tener la oportunidad de experimentar estos dos enfoques con él. Esta combinación hace que sus talleres y retiros produzcan una profunda vívida experiencia transformadora del ser.    

Sábado 10 de Marzo de 10am - 5pm (1 hora pausa de almuerzo)
Domingo 11 de Marzo de 10am - 5pm (1 hora pausa de almuerzo

San José, Costa Rica
Bamidele Studio Kundalini Yoga
Del pollo cervecero 50 metros norte y 25 metros al este. Apartamento Cherito #4.  


Pronto pago (hasta el 10 Feb)
Taller completo: $90
Por Bloque: $45

Precio Regular (a partir del 11 Feb)
Taller completo: $120
Por bloque: $60 

RESERVACIONES al correo email: kundaliniyogacostarica@gmail.com 
Mas información al +506 84332480 SMS o Whatssap


Above all there's a love which is real, the ultimate love. We merge not only physically, but mentally and spiritually, in arc-line, aura and subtle body. We amalgamate with each other. That is real love. ~ Yogi Bhajan

The fact is, if a person has not experienced the love of his or her soul, within one’s self, there is no chance that that person can go out and love, even though it is a faculty of love that you most powerfully need.

In this workshop we will delve deep into understanding and experiencing love. We will work on healing from the past wounds of love, learning to love “self”. 
Learning to recite some of the sacred Mantras that will facilitate Love from a place of Grace.

1. SoPurkh – Clearing past Karma/Psyche and create a sacred graceful space for the soul to shine.
2. Adi Shakti – Merge with Maha Shakti to clear the misfortune.
3. Mangala Saaj Bhaya – Find your Soulmate
4. Bhand Jamme-ai – Empowers you with Grace

Teacher: Prakash Chegu (Tej Dharam Singh) is a KRI certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Sat Nam Rasayan Healer, currently living in San Diego (USA), teaching internationally to share the Teachings of Kundalini Yoga worldwide. He has a unique ability to combine two different fields and harness the benefits of both. He is an Engineering graduate specializing in Production, Manufacturing as well application of technology to Business and Management practices. Growing up in India with a traditional family, he was exposed to Mantras, Chants, Yoga at a very early age. As the approach of adolescence the keen curious mind leaned more towards only the tangible scientific belief and it was not until several years later, the same curiosity led him to Quantum Mechanics which inadvertently led him to Meditation, Chanting and ultimately back to Kundalini Yoga. He is very passionate and wanted to become a teacher to quelch his personal desire to immerse himself in the depths of this Raja Yoga. We are very grateful, he is sharing this gift of the combination of two different approaches with us. This combination makes his workshops and retreats a deep, transformative and vivid self experience.

Early bird (until Feb 10)
2 days workshop: $90
1 day workshop: $35

Regular price (Starting Feb 11)
2 days workshop: $120
1 day workshop: $50 

RESERVATIONS to this email: kundaliniyogacostarica@gmail.com 
More information to +506 84332480 SMS o Whatssap
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