20:00 hasta las 07:00
Retiro de Sanación con Remedios Ancestrales

Retiro de Sanación con Remedios Ancestrales

English translation below

Queremos ayudarte a que te conectes con lo más profundo de tu ser. Que puedas escuchar lo que tu voz interior quiere decirte y que con la ayuda de los remeros ancestrales puedas sanar de manera natural.

El retiro consiste en 3 Ceremonias con Plantas Medicinales traídas del Amazonas y desde el desierto de Wirikuta en Mexico. En este camino de nuestros ancestros te acompañamos a dar un paso adelante y traer apertura, transformación y el despertar de tu ser interno.

En este retiro entretejeremos muchas actividades juntos para la integración de nuestro cuerpo emocional. Conteniendo los espacios con actividades de exploración, sanación con sonido, consultas individuales con el guía y un espacio para ser y estar.
En las ceremonias tendremos la fortuna de presenciar y recibir el arte de sanación con fluidos de plantas medicinales,  limpieza con plumas, Tabaco y se compartirá la Pipa Sagrada de la Paz.

Tendremos dos fechas para que no te pierdas de esta oportunidad.

Primer día: 25 de Abril, Ayahuasca, Kambo, Rapé, sanación con fluidos de plantas medicinales,  limpieza con plumas, Rezo de Tabaco y compartir de la Pipa Sagrada de la Paz.

Segundo día: 26 de Abril, Venadito Azul, Kambo, Rapé, sanación con fluidos de plantas medicinales,  limpieza con plumas, Rezo de Tabaco y compartir de la Pipa Sagrada de la Paz

Tercer dia: Bufo Alvarius

- 3 Ceremonias de Transformación con Plantas Sagradas
- Música durante Ceremonia
- Sanaciones Chamánicas
- Soplos con Plantas Medicinales
- Acompañamiento durante las ceremonias
- Sanación con Música

Ayahuasca, Venadito Azul, Kambo, Bufo Alvarius, Rapé, limpieza con plumas, Soplos con fluidos de plantas medicinales y limpiadoras de malas energías, Rezo de Tabaco Sagrado y compartir de la Pipa de la Paz.

Desayuno con frutas, Té de plantas orgánicas.
Aparta con 10mil colones


Puedes escoger el remedio con el que desees sanar en este retiro.

Ayahasca: 40.000
Venadito: Azul 40.000
Kambo: 35.000
Bufo Alvarius: 70.000

Puedes escoger el remedio con el que desees sanar en este retiro.

Traer: Frutas y comida liviana para compartir, mat de yoga, cobijas, tienda de acampar, mucha disposición de sanar y amor.

Dirección Guanacaste, Playa Panamá.

INFORMES: Whatsapp (506)60601061 / 60606052  
proyectocolandi@gmail.com    pau.pa.ari@gmail.com


El contacto con el remedio depende, en gran medida, de preparse con una dieta responsable y consciente. 
El marco ritual de la ceremonia inicia en los días previos a la toma, donde se prepara el cuerpo, la mente y el corazón, ajustándose a una dieta sana y libre de cualquier tipo de carnes. Es recomendable trabajar la humilde intención de aprender sin hacerse muchas expectativas y con un gran respeto por el sagrado espacio al que se va a tener acceso.

Es necesario observar una dieta libre de carnes, estrictamente 3 días previos y posteriores a la ceremonia. De preferencia 7 días o más de anticipación.

Ésta debe de abstenerse, sin excepción, de todo tipo de carnes, alcohol y drogas sintéticas o naturales. Los maestros de la selva recomiendan hacer ayuno de relaciones sexuales.
Si usted esta medicado, con cualquier tipo de compuesto, deberá de consultar para verificar compatibilidad de los mismos.


Todo tipo de bebida alcohólica.
Si acostumbra a beber más de 3 veces por semana, deberá de suspenderse con cuando menos 15 días previos de anticipación.
Si les comienza a dar gripe o resfriado NO TOMAR ningún antigripal.

Medicación que actúa en el Sistema Nervioso Central.

Carne en cualquier presentación: Puerco, Pollo, Res y Mariscos.
Es altamente recomendable suspender la ingesta de carne de Res y Pescado. Si no es posible dejar de comer, puede comer pescado blanco.
Medicación Farmaceútica.

EVITAR ALIMENTOS COMO (moderar su ingesta):

Todos los productos con cafeína: Café, Té verde, té negro, chocolate, refrescos de cola. 
Quesos fuertes y añejos: Gruyer, Cabra, Verde, Roquefort, etc.
Alimentos  fritos.
Comida chatarra.
Comida enlatada.
Azúcares en exceso.

Jugos, de preferencia naturales.
Comida vegetariana india, hare krishna, etc.
Granos, frijoles, lentejas, garbanzo, etc.
Vitaminas que NO contengan Gingko Biloba, Gingsen o algún precursor de la dopamina.
Sal de mar o de monte. 

Para la diabetes.
Hipertensión arterial (Que no actúa directamente en el sistema nervioso central)
Reguladores de la Tiroides.

Restricciones de participación 

No pueden participar aquellas personas que están en tratamiento con:
Antidepresivos: SSRIS, MAOS; pastillas para bajar de peso, antihipertensivos, medicamentos para asma y gripe, antimicóticos,  depresivos del sistema nervioso. Estos medicamentos deberán suspenderse cuando menos 15 días previos a la ingesta. 

En caso de medicación psiquiátrica o que actúan en el sistema nervioso central es absolutamente necesario consultar.

We want to help you connect with the deepest part of your inner self. Helping you listen to what your inner voice wants to tell you. Heal naturally with the assistance of the ancestral medicines.

The retreat consists of 3 Ceremonies with Medicinal Plants brought from the Amazon and from the desert of Wirikuta in Mexico. In this journey of our ancestors we accompany you to take a step forward and bring openness, transformation and the awakening of your inner being.

In this retreat we will interweave many activities together for the integration of our emotional body. Containing the spaces with exploration activities, sound healing, individual consultations with the guide and a space to be and stay.

In the ceremonies we will have the fortune to witness and receive the art of healing with fluids of medicinal plants, cleansing with feathers, tobacco and sharing the Sacred Pipe of Peace.

First day: April 25, Ayahuasca, Kambo, Rapé (snuff) , healing with fluids of medicinal plants, cleaning with feathers, Tobacco Prayers and sharing of the Sacred Pipe of Peace.

Second day: April 26, Peyote, Kambo, Rapé (snuff), healing with fluids of medicinal plants, cleansing with feathers, Tobacco Prayers and sharing of the Sacred Pipe of Peace

Third day: April 27 Bufo Alvarius

- 3 Ceremonies of Transformation with Sacred Plants
- Music during Ceremony
- Shamanic Healing
- Tinctures with Medicinal Plants
- Accompaniment during ceremonies
- Healing with Music

Ayahuasca, Peyote, Kambo, Bufo Alvarius, Rapé (snuff), cleansing with feathers, Puffs with fluids of medicinal plants and cleansers of bad energies, Sacred Tobacco Prayer and sharing of the Pipe of Peace

Breakfast with fruits, Tea of ​​organic plants.
Reserve with 10,000 colones

Important, please read the dietary recommendations for Ayahuasca 

Why Preparation and Diet Is Important 
“There are corporeal, organic things that need to be cleared before you can see the essential,” Jan Kounen says in the book The Psychotropic Mind: The World According to Ayahuasca, Iboga, and Shamanism. His words poetically sum up why it’s important to physically prepare your body for taking ayahuasca. Most of our bodies are cluttered with all kinds of stimulating, sensational foods from our modern diets — foods filled with salt, sugar, and caffeine. To open yourself up to receive the messages of Madre Ayahuasca, you need to first clear yourself of these toxins.

Ayahuasca shaman Alan Shoemaker expanded on this idea in his book Ayahuasca Medicine: The Shamanic World of Amazonian Sacred Plant Healing: “The plant diets are designed to help a person connect with the spirits of the plants, and to develop new healing capabilities, vision, and sight; they require much time in solitude and a strict dietary regimen….[W]hen you follow the required diet, the spirit world is more accessible.” 

Quieting or cleansing the body in order to reach a spiritual state will be a familiar idea to anyone who has practiced yoga. Yoga asanas — the physical positions like downward facing dog or child’s pose —  were originally designed with the purpose of preparing your body to meditate. Like the asanas’ effect on meditation, the physical preparation of the ayahuasca pre-diet goes hand in hand with being able to prepare yourself psychologically for the healing experience. 

Clearing yourself of toxins also gives you a jumpstart in the ayahuasca experience because, as Vincent Ravalee explains in The Psychotropic Mind, “All the toxins we collect during our everyday life are the first things that ayahuasca will attack.” When you clear those toxins ahead of time, it’s easier for ayahuasca to work in your body because there’s less “static” to cut through. By following the diet, you ensure your ability to make the most of the experience and reach deeper levels of psychospiritual understanding.

Guidelines of the Ayahuasca Pre-Diet
While different shamans and retreat centers vary on the specific restriction, most places advise that you start eliminating certain foods and drugs from your diet 2-4 weeks before a ceremony (longer for certain prescription drugs like SSRIs). The suggestions listed below are compiled from The Way Inn and the Temple of the Way of Light, two shamanic ayahuasca retreats in central and northern Peru, which equip all participants with guidelines for proper dietary preparation. (The full guidelines can be found here and here for your reference.)

Foods Containing Tyramine
Ayahuasca (specifically, Caapi vine, one of two principal ingredients in the ayahuasca brew) is an MAO-inhibitor, meaning it temporarily inhibits the activation of the monoamine oxidase (MAO). This enzyme is essential to process the amino acid tyramine, so it’s important to refrain from eating foods high in this amino acid — otherwise your body could reach toxic levels that cause headaches or hypertension. Foods that contain tyramine include:

Red meat
Aged cheeses
Fermented foods like soy sauce, fermented tofu, and sauerkraut
Nutritional supplements like protein powders
Chocolate (in large amounts)
Peanuts (in large amounts)
Other Foods to Avoid
In addition to foods high in tyramine, you should avoid:

Salt (i.e. canned and processed foods)
Refined sugar (i.e. sweets and junk food)
Spicy food
Prescription Drugs
In the weeks leading up to the ceremony, many centers strongly suggest that you stop the following prescription drugs: 

Antidepressants like SSRIs
Sleep medications
Alpha- and beta-blockers
Street Drugs
These include cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, marijuana, and MDMA. It’s also best to avoid other psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin.

Most centers strongly recommend that you avoid sexual activity, including masturbation, two weeks before and after a ceremony. As the guidelines on the Way Inn explain, “Sex (including any exchange of bodily fluids) is a powerful energetic exchange which can deplete [your] reservoir of energy available to you and thus inhibit the effectiveness of the plants to teach and guide you.”

How vital it is to remove all of these substances from your diet varies from source to source, but most agree that it is essential for your safety to avoid pork, street drugs, and sexual activity for two weeks before and after a ceremony.

Mental Preparation and Intention-Setting
Just as important as physical preparation is the mental cleansing you do in the time before the ceremony. Many retreat centers suggest you engage in a mindfulness practice like yoga or meditation and to set a clear intention for your experience. The more specific the intention, the better the chance is you’ll get a clear answer to whatever you are hoping to learn from the experience. Continuing these mindfulness practices after the ceremony will also help you integrate any lessons you learned into your daily life.

When you prepare yourself in these ways for any ayahuasca ceremony, you ready your body and mind to be in the best possible position to receive the teachings of ayahuasca. Sometimes you can’t properly prepare for it, like in my case, when an impromptu opportunity presents itself. I certainly don’t regret jumping headfirst into an ayahuasca ceremony — the benefits I gained were still innumerable — but I know that if and when I get an opportunity to attend an ayahuasca ceremony again, I will prepare myself for it, physically, mentally, and spiritually.


Ayahasca: 40,000 Colones
Venadito: Blue 40,000 Colones
Kambo: 35,000 Colones
Bufo Alvarius: 70,000 Colones

You can choose the remedy with which you wish to heal in this retreat.

Bring: Fruits and light food to share, yoga mat, blankets, camping tent, much willingness to heal and love.

Address Guanacaste, Panama Beach.

More information: Whatsapp (506) 60601061/60606052
proyectocolandi@gmail.com pau.pa.ari@gmail.com
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